After tireless minutes, nay, hours even of dogged research, our stalwart and revered journalistic class uncovered a shocking truth: Donald Trump has never actually worked for McDonald’s, and his appearance at one of the storied American fast food joints over the weekend was really just a “campaign stunt.”
This startling revelation has caused the totally robust and definitely not fragile realities of literally dozens of people to shatter into oblivion as they were suddenly forced to question whether or not anything of what they knew about political campaigning was true.
Meanwhile, those with a moderately stable outlook on life, as well as a brain that is, at the very least, reasonably functional had the following reaction:
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Ah, dipping our toes into politics. Btw, anyone paying attention KNEW why he was there.
Who'd have thought that a campaign stunt could happen in The Current Year?! Here I thought we lived in a society. It's disgraceful and shocking, I tell you!