“My, my! You’re a mighty hunk of a man, aren’t you?” the Pirate Queen of Fortefem purred coyly at the bare-chested, blood covered warrior standing in the doorway to her private quarters. Slyfforic the Strong-ish was perplexed at the woman’s easygoing manner. Stories abounded of her savage and disagreeable nature. Yet, she was relaxed and nakedly luxuriating in a steaming hot bath: seemingly unbothered by the fact he had stolen aboard her flagship and slaughtered her crew.
Sensing his puzzlement, the Pirate Queen laughed melodiously as she emerged upright out of the soapy water, her ample assets exposed for Slyfforic to admire. “Care to join me, handsome?”
“I’ve just killed your entire crew, and I’ve been hired to kill you. Instead, you’re inviting me into your bed?”
“Actually, I’m inviting you into my bath, as it were. I want to see the powerful specimen underneath all the nasty filth. You’re not allowed anywhere near my bed until you’re nice and clean.”
“If this is some kind of trick to murder me when I’m unawares, it won’t work,” Slyfforic warned the seductress.
“Not at all,” she pouted indignantly. “On the contrary, I’m rather pleased you’re here. I have long desired to meet the man who so valiantly dismembered the Doomermensch.”
“The Council of Navos paid handsomely for me to bring them your head. I have guaranteed that the deed will be done.”
The Pirate Queen pursed her sensuous lips. “If you still want to decapitate me once I’ve had my way with you, I shall gladly offer my neck.”
She slithered provocatively out of the bath and lustily caressed the warrior’s sinewy chest muscles. “However, I think you’ll find that one night with me will be more than enough to sway your resolve.”
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An enjoyable little yarn. I'm reminded of Conan's experiences with Bêlit, the Queen of the Black Coast, though there's certainly more of a comedic tone to this as compared to the darker and more tragic feel of "Queen of the Black Coast." Regardless, a quick and fun read of the sort that makes me want to see what happened before and comes after.
Oh, this is so great. A wild romp with the Queen. Who would say no to that?!