Good story.

How does Johnny Walker Blue Label compare?

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Thanks, man. Glad you liked it. Don't know that I've had Blue Label, but I do like me some JW Black.

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I've lost track of the labels and their hierarchy. But my brother got a bottle of blue for my dad for Christmas one year and we cracked it open and it was almost like butterscotch.

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I think I'm gonna take a whack at the zombie story I mentioned. Gonna try to keep it short. I already have an idea as to how I could make it an entire novel lol. But maybe I could keep it to ~60k words. Or 6k.

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This could be an alternate reality but it's sad that president demintia is in every alternate.

But hey, a roomfull of bourbon. You can't pick a better way to go out.

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Sadly, this story was mostly inspired by his utterly disastrous handling of Afghanistan. I honestly couldn't tell you what inspired the whole Bulleit bourbon subplot, though.

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My Dad was Irish and gave me whiskey when I was a teen to gargle away a bad sore throat associated with mononucleosis I had at the time. It didn’t hurt to swallow it, Lol! I still keep whisky around for that reason. Thank you for tge shout out tag! Wonderful story!

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Thanks, I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed it! I keep whiskey around because I love to drink it, haha.

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I'm gonna go get a glass of Johnny Walker Red Label.

Great story.

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Thanks very much! Don't think I've ever had Red Label, but I'm a big fan of JW Black myself.

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Also a great whisky.

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I hope his fates will allow a return visit to the distillery to claim the bounty. The undead can’t appreciate it. They are all buffalo trace tater most likely (as am I). … I hope that doesn’t mean I need the antidote…

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Bulleit Time 2: Bulleit Boogaloo

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