This is great, Josh. The attention to the characters and setting is perfect so it makes you feel like you’re in the bar with them. Obviously, because of what I’ve been watching, I’m getting Road House vibes off this, so I’m glad to hear that Ethan will get what’s coming to him 👍🏼😁
Just a small point: I have hearing loss, so I have trouble making out the lyrics to those songs. I can continue pulling up the lyrics on my phone while I listen on the computer, but it might help if you could do lyric videos?
This is great, Josh. The attention to the characters and setting is perfect so it makes you feel like you’re in the bar with them. Obviously, because of what I’ve been watching, I’m getting Road House vibes off this, so I’m glad to hear that Ethan will get what’s coming to him 👍🏼😁
Just a small point: I have hearing loss, so I have trouble making out the lyrics to those songs. I can continue pulling up the lyrics on my phone while I listen on the computer, but it might help if you could do lyric videos?
Ethan's an asshole. And I'm sure that's your intention, so I say "well done!"
Yes, yes, yes, Hit that SOB so hard he flies off the dock.
Hope to the water goddess he drowns.
Couldn't happen to a nicer jackass!
See, you've stirred my passions.
Excellently done.
See? Backpfeifengesicht. Ethan has a face that's just made for slapping. Or punching. Or kicking. Or stamping on.
It's going to be very satisfying when someone eventually does hit him.
I mean, I don't want to give away any spoilers, will happen.
I figured you wouldn't do us wrong by leaving such a punchable face unpunched.