Well written piece. Love it when dialogue is used to display a relationship. I don't hold much hope these two will ever develop an intimate relationship that lasts. But, you might prove me wrong.

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I have been waiting so long for this. Ghosh!

Thanks for posting this, Josh!

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I hope you weren't disappointed!

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Not at all! Waiting very very eagerly for the next chapter.

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Misery loves company, and these two seem pretty adamant on reminding each other of that. Something I appreciate here is that there is a balance struck in this. Neither one of them is fully right, nor fully wrong. Both of them have been making mistakes in their approach to this as their emotions get the better of them. Kate shouldn't have been nosing around Jake's boat, no matter her reasoning. Jake should've kept his cool and not run his mouth. Each is where they are as a result of their own decisions, good and bad, and their attempts to approach the delicate situation they're in are about as clumsy and feeble as most people's attempts would be. In short, it's compelling stuff.

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Hopefully it was worth the wait! I'm really gonna try not to be so sporadic from here on out, but I make no promises 😳🤞

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