I've not been to New York. Nor have I been to Tokyo. But I'm surprised at how much photos of New York now look like photos of Tokyo. (Though I'll bet there aren't as many unpleasant smells in the latter).

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Great TravelLog, Babe. Thanks for finally no longer *blaming* me for *dragging* you there… 😜

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"Every hour is golden hour."

Is it at 2 am?

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Great pictures. I haven’t been to New York since early 2002. The thing that I remember from that trip is that the WTC was a giant hole where they were still excavating the rubble. I had a camera, but the whole thing was so sad that I couldn’t bear to take any pictures.

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The last time I was there was 2 months after 9/11. The rubble was still smoking 😳🫣

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Those are great photographs, Josh. People can say anything they want about New York City, but there is no arguing its importance. My best friend lived there, on the Upper East Side for several years during the glory days of the ‘90s. He liked to say, NYC isn’t beautiful so much as it is impressive.

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Wow! Amazing photos, Josh. Thank you for sharing these with us all. I'm going to save and look through later again.

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Thanks so much, Brian! I've always enjoyed photography as a hobby, though not enough to seriously pursue it. I like to think that I can take a halfway decent snapshot every now and then.

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"The only thing less interesting than NYC is a photograph of NYC." I heard someone say this once when photographing NYC, while standing in piss. It was my piss, but she thought it was some other bums piss.

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I always liked the smell of piss in New York. Don't forget yer origins, kay? Piss was good to you when you were just a common boy, stumbling about the golden streets of the Big Piss Apple. Piss was good to me, too. It's still in my heart. I'll never forget piss..ever.

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